Surviving in the jungle is about faith,
Strength and courage.
Confronted daily by obstacles,
Elements and pestilence,
Your mind gets weary with the wicked; who castigate,
Humiliate, and intimedate.
Life is great,
Life is great,
Life is wonderful,
Life is an adventure;
Waiting for you to take full advantage
In the way you want to go.
Do not be dismayed with whatsoever comes your way;
Because your mind is a powerful master,
Capable to accept and to reject,
Utilize it the right way;
And you will get your just reward.
Utilize it the wrong way; and you will get destruction.
Be free to think; embark on your horizon.
Try it; it works.
You have an intellect; use it.
Do not be afraid; think big.
Break through barriers,
Cause life is great,
life is wonderful,
Live it harmoniously.
Live it to the fullest.
Your mind is the most valuable gift from your God,
Your mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Your mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Mr. Michaels, I like your blog, and I am impressed by the very interesting way you express your self with words. I am looking forward to more post in the near future.