Wednesday, December 31, 2008

By Dr. Clive E. Niel. Pastor Beford Central Presbyterian

The probing mind of Carden Michael has given us some engaging poetry.

The title itself is haunting and mysterious, I feel both pride and pleasure writing this foreword. The pride is found in the memory of seeing this young man's determination to get his
message out. The pleasure is derived from admiration for the unrelenting and informed gift of that which resonates within the bowels of Carden Michael.

Doubtless, the author was first claimed by this poetry because it has the drumbeat and sweat of one who lived amongst the struggles. His continuing interest must have been sustained by the God who inspired him to shine through his poetry. Carden takes us through puzzling moods and cryptic insights having such vividness that they seemed to be an embodiment, a personal reserve that has finally been released. He
examines a wide range of topics borne out of different circumstances from religion to liberty, not negating our contemporary issues.

Readers will find particularly helpful the artful way Carden develops the lyric giving each one significance. He dares us to believe that there lies within a gift that God has given to every one of us. Many people do not realize this gift and it remains untapped. We are indebted to Carden for lifting up this unique style of poetry. This book is a necessary tool in the land of those who crave for changes.
Dr. Clive E. Neil, Pastor
Bedford Central
Presbyterian Church
Brooklyn, New York

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