Tuesday, December 30, 2008

God, The Triumphant Revolutionary: Carden A. Michael

By Carden Michael.

This is my second volume of poetry. The first is called "Vision
From A Distance." This book is a collection representing many
poems I have written over the years. It also contains short stories and a poetic essay on God The Triumphant Revolutionary. However, most of my poems are about Black Consciousness and they discuss the stinging effects of slavery, colonialism and capitalism.

Let me say that this Black Consciousness theme is not meant
to offend people from different nationalities -- for we the black
people of the Earth have suffered the worst amongst humankind.
The tenacious implications of the oppressor’s conspiracy is still in
place-- our cities and countries are under siege. Our so-called leaders
are an extension of the Europeans’ domination. While the rigid
forces perpetuate genocide and starvation, our natural resources
are being thieved by the Europeans, Arabs, Asians and East Indians.

From my observation, I see a people who need to cleanses
themselves from the prolonged degradation and stagnation of the
white man’s indoctrination. Therefore, I personally feel the urge to
counteract the devilish forces that have kept my people under tributary,
subjugation, and tribulation for over four hundred years. I
also feel that our leaders have a moral obligation to find a solution
to free the oppressed from the yoke and bondage of oppression. If
they fail to do so, the consequences of extinction would be immi -
nent. Yet, if we seek divine guidance and wisdom, we will surely
pass the test.

The message of Black empowerment needs to be taught in
our homes, in our places of worship and at schools. We should all
feel proud to know that we are black; we should all know the
potential of being black, for our God is Black.

About the title of this book -- I strongly felt the urge to
used the title God The Triumphant Revolutionary because it is
prophetic, and it’s a spiritual inspiration about the embodiment of
God in man. If you seek Him. He will reveal unto you what was hid -
den from the wise and prudent. Yet, some might repudiate me, and
may think that the title of this book is absurd and beyond the
bounds of piety and decorum. But those who understand mysticism
and spirituality, may also know that The Power that holds the
galaxy in space is greater than any atomic bomb. As David said in
the 20th Psalm ( v. 7): "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses:
but we will remember the name of the Lord." The reason why I
use this quotation from Psalms is that there are many people who
think that the United States of America is the power of the World.
But I want to tell them that they are wrong, for David the Psalmist
also declared in the 46th Psalm (v. 8-10): "Come, behold the works
of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the Earth. He
maketh war to cease unto the end of the Earth; he burneth the
chariot in the fire. Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted
among the heathen, I will be exalted in the Earth." And again in the
89th Psalm (v. 13-14): "Thou has a mighty arm, strong is thy hand.
Justice and judgment are the habitation of his throne, For thou will
save the afflicted people, but wilt bring down high Looks."

I must ask, could the United States ever stand up to the
Almighty even if it is combined with Russia, England, Japan, China,
Pakistan, India, France, Germany, Italy, North and South Korea,
along with the Arab World? He is the one and only Super Power
of the Universe, hence the warmongers of this planet must know
that He is lightning, thunder, earthquake, Tsunami, tornado, fire and
brimstone. Let Jah be praised.

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