Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dry Bones: By Carden A. Michael

By Carden Michael

Dry Bones, is a compilation of short stories, essays, and poetry taken from my portfolio. This collection of works has put me through different vibratory moods as illustrated in the poem "Solemn Song." It describes when loved ones mourn for the spirits that make their transition from this tedious life of bondage to the great beyond. This project also encompasses a social and political stance on past and present day situations. As a literary work, it is conjoined with spiritual and soulful heartbeat rhythms. This book has put me into time and space, traveling through the atmosphere, trying to find my place amongst the heavenly constellation. Dry Bones is definitely the most passionate, adventurous and intense project I have ever worked on.

The title also describes and depicts a people who were captured and sold on the action block for capital gain. This is a people who were duped, beaten, and bamboozled for over five hundred years. This is a people according to the prophecy of Ezekiel, were lost from time and knowledge. They were destroyed because of the lack of knowledge. They live physically, yet they are spiritually dead. Historically and prophetically these people are the black people who are scattered, and dispersed throughout the Americas and the West Indies. These black people "are the true Israelites indeed."

When I look at the condition of my people it grieves my heart to see the sad state that they live in. I can see there is a dire urgency for my people to be saved from self-destruction. I have never seen a race of people who are as perplexed and who hate themselves as my people do. All other tongues and nations, love, uphold, and respect their culture, but the black man has lost his culture, identity and Kingdom. Instead, he has switched his culture to vulgarity, and lives as a puppet and a traitor in another man’s kingdom. Yet, he continues to foster his own demise by causing havoc upon himself.

To date, Dry Bones is the third book I have written. The first book was entitled, Vision From A Distance, and the second is, God The Triumphant Revolutionary. Apart from my books, I have also released a twenty-five track CD of dub poetry entitled Wise Men.

The author, Carden Michael is just a simple brother living in this dispensation, observing and feeling the wrath of wicked Babylon. I and I is a native son of St Vincent and the Grenadines, and is a past student of the Chateaubelair Government School and the Petit Bordel Junior Secondary School. After leaving school as a qualified fool, I was bound to fantasy and obscure darkness, searching for reality. After my discharge from school, I then applied for a fellowship at a street college and was accepted. Thereafter, I obtained a degree in common sense. Then, I went on to the University of Life where I was successfully awarded two degrees, one in Wisdom and the other in Knowledge. My degrees are proudly hung from the depths of my heart.

My passion for life is grounded in wisdom, knowledge, truth, equality, and justice. I live in a world where oppression is prominent, and rampant with belligerent tyrants. I see injustice and his accomplice, inequality as the bogeymen of the day. As the thoughts of the oppressed are curtailed by the Luciferian clique, they are hesitant to speak when they see the blatancy of injustice. Yet, my mission is to awaken slumbering mentality, and to speak truth, and nothing but the truth, so that the oppressors would take heed and let my people go.
In these days of fiery serpents, trials, brutalization, tribulation, and biting scorpion; the devil roams and plunders. While he is out on parole I pray that you may have a safe journey, and I hope you may do the same for me. Jah loves you, and so do I. I am your true and faithful servant, the irrepressible, Drastic Carden Alphonso Micha

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